Thursday, 21 July 2011

Human Potential

You are unlimited.

Do you feel it? Do you know what it means? There is no reason to call down problems. There is no reason to believe that you can't do what you wish. To do what you wish, you must, however, first believe. Do you believe? Will you act? That is the question. It is not whether or not it is possible, but whether or not you will take the steps necessary to realize. It is whether or not you will set the goal that causes things to happen. And when I say you set the goal, I mean it in a more active sense than some might mean. When you write down something you would like to do, and call it a goal, that is not setting a goal. That is only making a note of what you wish to do.

Setting a goal is deciding that you want to do something, determining the steps you will take to do it, and following through. If you just write it down, it is not a goal at all. It is just a daydream. To those who will act, however, great things can be accomplished. They say that most of the time, you will succeed. Think on it. In trying, how often have you truly failed? If you think of your failures, how many times were they truly failures, and how many times were they simply times when you did not try, when you gave up before you really started? There may be times when you fail, but they are less often than you might be inclined to say.

So go ahead. Try. Really try, and you will find that you have succeeded.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

The Importance of Truth

Truth is a very peculiar thing. What is truth, after all? Do you know the Truth? Of course not, nobody knows the Truth. There are many truths, and individually they can become known, although our society has not yet reached that stage with respect to many subjects. We know so little. We can know so little, because it eludes our abilities. And yet, Truth is vitally important.

There are many different kinds of truths. There are physical truths, which we are beginning to understand, particularly at the macroscopic level. There are general truths. There are specific truths. There are societal truths, some of which we ourselves make. There are historical truths, which are now lost beyond recovery. There are environmental truths. There are truths that are specific to you, or me, which we ourselves may not even know. There are truths that are absolute, true no matter where you are in the Universe. There are truths that are relative to where you are right now.

The world is constantly in search of truth. We experiment, and we test things, and we find that some things are less correct than we once thought they were. One such truth is with regards to our place in the Universe. It was once commonly believed that the Earth was the centre of the Universe. We left that belief long ago, and only just recently, within the past century or so have we realized that in fact, the centre of the Universe is the point from which it is observed, and all else is relative to that point.

So how important is Truth? And what is Truth? Truth, I said, is important, and it is. Truth is the Universe. Without Truth, life is not. Everything is not. But how can it be, if nobody knows the Truth, or even a small part of it? Easy. We know the Truth exists, but we don't know what it is. Knowledge of the Truth is significantly less important that the Truth itself. It is good to learn it, but it is something that will only come bit by bit, and you will not learn all of it, not in a single lifetime.